2015년 11월 17일 화요일

Frequently Asked Questions

A Frequently Asked Questions section for our most popular questions 

Q. I can’t seem to find the location I should go to on the world map! Where can I find it?

When clicking on world map, there will be two icons to the lower side of the map.

The map with the sun shaped icon represents the geography by day, the map with the moon shaped icon represent the geography by night.
If there's a (N) next to your designation, this means that you should travel to the area in the 'night' map. tap on the moon shaped icon to shift over to the night map to continue with your adventures. 

Q. I moved the position of my heroes in battle, but now they’ve returned back to their original places. How do I make them stay?

1) Click on the [Hero] menu from the scrolling menu on the right, and click on [Change Formation]
2) Place your Heroes where you wish them to be.
3) Click ‘Apply’ 

* Tip
   “Tankers” (High HP/ High Defense/ Melee) in the front line.
   “Dealers” (Low HP / High Attack / Long range) in the back.
   This way, you can take on a lot of damage while making the most out of your attacks.

Q. It seems that other players are using other Heroes to move around. How do I change mine?

You can only choose from the Heroes that you have as your “Leader” (representative character). Follow the steps below to change your Leader.

1)  Click on the [Hero] menu from the scrolling menu on the right.
2)  Select the hero you’d like to have as your leader, and click [Change Leader].

Q. Miss Minnie keeps asking me whether I want to change a Rank B item to a Rank C item. What’s happening?

Sometimes, Miss Minnie might recommend you to change your equipment with a higher rank with one with a lower rank. However, this doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with Miss Minnie –rather, Miss Minnie makes her recommendations based on the overall stats of the equipment rather than the rank itself. For example, a lv. 30 Rank C equipment might be more useful in battle than a lv. 20 Rank B equipment, and in this case, Miss Minnie will recommend the Rank C equipment over the Rank B one.

Q. I'd like to change my main hero to another class. How do I do this? 

If you visit NPC Astrologer Eluria, you'll be able to change the class of your main Hero with a little gold. You can go visit Eluria by moving to Nottingham, but since nobody ain't got time for that when you're busy on an adventure, just tap [Main menu] – [Find NPC] – [Astrologer Eluria] and you'll be able to do that much more simply. 

Q. What's this thing called Orichalcum, and where can I use it?  

The gold colored lump above is called Orichalcum, also commonly referred to as "Ori". (The numbers on the lower right represent the number of Orichalcum required for each refitting when you visit Blacksmith Brock)
You can earn Orichalcum in various ways, including exploration rewards, tower of chaos rewards, missions, and more!

You can use Orichalcum for equipment refitting.

Equipment refitting just means that you'll be able to lower the required level for an item to let a Hero equip the item. When refitting an equipment, the stats of the equipment will remain unchanged, but the required level to use that equipment will be lowered.

For example, if you have a level 40 William and you have a level 50 War God Sword you'd love him to use, you can visit NPC Blacksmith Brock for a refitting of 10 levels.

This is especially useful when you have reached the max level of a Hero, but the required level of the weapon/equipment you'd like him/her to use exceeds the max level of the Hero.

To visit Blacksmith Brock, just click on [Main menu] - [Find NPC] - [Blacksmith Brock], or you can go visit him manually by moving over to Nottingham and looking for a patch-eyed bear.

After you've found Blacksmith Brock, tap on [Refitting].

Then, select an item you'd like to refit.
In the screenshot above, you can see that each refitting for the selected equipment (a War God Axe) costs 8 orichalcums.

Each successful refitting will result in 1 lowered level of the equipment.
Keep in mind that a refitting, just like equipment reinforcement, has a success rate, and might not be successful.

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